Becket Board of Health
May 18, 2011
Present: Ginger Conner
William Robinson
William S. Fuller
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am. Lawrence Goetz and Valerie Nickerson Bird were guests, Mrs. Bird discussed the updating of the regional plan for the Emergency Dispensing Sites
The board approved the May 4, 2011 Minutes.
Title 5 Inspections were approved at:
27 Prentice Place Map 206 Lot 94
155 High Street Map 206 Lot 59
Applications for Disposal System Construction permit were approved at:
125 Trail Circle Map 213 Lot106
Pill Drive Map 410 Lot 12.2
The Board is planning to conduct a site drill for the Emergency Dispensing Site on June 1, at their regular meeting.
The Board began to discuss plans for the use of the mini-grant of $3,000 from the Regional Planning Commission.
As this was the last meeting of Bill Fuller, Ginger Conner was elected to replace him as Chair.
Respectfully Submitted,
William S. Fuller